Masked Advocate or Attorney for the Case?

Turning and turning in the widening gyre, the falcon cannot hear the falconer. The poet cannot urge the fledged word back. The bird is free. The light within its breast is greater than the voice which calls it down. – Godfrey John

Analyze the afflictive appearance as a wrong sense of a right something. – Arthur Corey

What are you seeing? What is its nature? What is it saying to you? How can it say that?

You are the Meaning Maker. Are you going to be the Masked Advocate for a virus? Rather than gambolling in search of a compromised and treacherous peace by flipping the hydra-headed coin of constructed conceptions, why not be the Attorney For The Defense and bring this virus to the Bar for right-identification.

An Analogy

We are being presented with a photoshopped version of a virus. Something may be there, but it has been overlaid with filters. This highly edited and filtered view is not an actuality. It is a suppositional opposite, that has been aggressively syndicated and proselytized. As adherents are recruited, this distorted view becomes solid conviction.

This perturbed thought may eventually take tangible shape in conscious thought. We may then be led to believe that we are objectively confined in a diseased material body, – that we have somehow entered into our own embodied thought and become subject to it. Then we may call on health practitioners and vaccines to save us. Arguably, this could all be an orchestrated hallucination and we may have bound ourselves with our own beliefs.

This could all be malpractice on a global scale and if so, it should be handled as such. Common consent is contagious, and it makes disease catching. That could be why the media seems so desperate to keep this going, because there may be nothing to this virus beyond aggressive propaganda and constant comment. If it were real, why would they need to harp on it so vociferously?

The way to counter an error is to expose it, and then contend persistently for the truth. We can address the perturbed thought, giving no heed to the body, if the so-called malignant virus that we are being presented with is not real. It may have no character or type beyond what the health officials and the media are assigning to it. Reportedly, no peer-reviewed evidence of its existence has ever been published. The “virus” may be an intellectual construct, inferred from phenomena, and syndicated to the population by aggressive suggestion.

If your premise is erroneous, your conclusions will be wrong, no matter which side of the issue you debate. You have to go further, deeper, press through to the jurisdiction where the best within you wants to situate you – where your highest ideals live.

You are called to be the Attorney for the Defense, not a Masked Advocate for the virus. Would you take the side of the Prosecutor and argue for a verdict that is detrimental to your client? Why not use your considerable intelligence to plead the case in a higher jurisdiction, where there is a standard of liberty and the potential for freedom?

What we see, hear, and feel is a mode of consciousness. It is as real as we make it and no more so. If this is true according to Quantum Physics, then what we perceive as a virus is a thought-form or a thought-force and is therefore subject to interpretation by the consciousness that conceives it. We are Meaning Makers. Our belief about a virus cathects it, producing results after its kind, and in this way we seem to experience its malignant effects.

Another way of looking  at this is to consider that the original digital file or holographic waveform of what we see as a virus has been hacked. Something has been deliberately inserted that makes the final 3D rendering projected onto your screen of space appear distorted because of this parasitical piggybacking.

If there is such a thing as a virus, then what we are seeing is a wrong sense of a right something. If viruses appear to be misbehaving, then we should send them to Sunday School.

As the Attorney for the Case you can re-identify the virus as a hieroglyph of Deity, as emanating from a single giving field of intention, and therefore harmless, useful and about its Father’s business.

For example, a better sense of microbes finds them working legitimately in the production of cheese and butter, in the counteraction of decay. They might be found promoting bodily immunization, or in some other wholesome function, such as activating our natural antifragility, our capacity to thrive as a result of stressors, shocks, volatility, noise, mistakes, faults, attacks, or failures.

Medical Disclaimer

The information on this blog and in this article is philosophical. It is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained on or available through this blog is for the purpose of discussion only and represents solely the opinions and views of the Author at the date of publication. The Author makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained on or available through this blog, and such information is subject to change without notice. You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this blog with other sources and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this web site.

States of Emergency

Unelected health officials, politicians, and bureaucrats are abrogating our individual rights by declaring perpetual States of Emergency. They are claiming legal justification for their actions by the misuse and misinterpretation of the poisonous “Notwithstanding” clause that was injected long ago into the Canadain Charter of Rights and Freedoms. These officials further assert that their fiats emanate from higher and wiser sources and that they are only trying to keep everyone safe.

Reportedly, these ‘experts’ are being run by a small group of Technocrats who are attempting to overthrow the current system of Nation States and replace it with a global Scientific Dictatorship, a system based on the ideology of dialectic materialism, controlled by AI, run by algorithms, and enforced through social credit.

One of their claims is that “life is a behavior pattern that chemical systems exhibit when they reach a certain level of complexity”. A further sampling of the Technocratic approach can be read at

The Bioethicist Pandemic – Wesley J. Smith

Declarations of States of Emergency and ensuing edicts such as mandating improperly tested vaccines that have been rushed through trials should be challenged in court and argued on the basis of the merits of the case. These issues need to be freely debated on social media.

Andrew Wakefield releases “1986: The Act” film all about Big Pharma’s immunity from vaccine liability

The erosion of our rights is incremental. Mandatory social distancing, mandatory quarantines, mandatory lockdowns, mandatory masks, mandatory vaccinations, mandatory microchipping – who gets to decides these things? Perhaps we will soon have mandatory prophylactic chemotherapy or mandatory gene therapy!

If these technocrats and their families were suddenly ripped from their privileged lifestyles, and isolated in some seedy motel until they agreed to be inoculated by the system that they so vigorously advocate for everyone else – notwithstanding the admitted risks of such vaccines to their health – perhaps their position regarding all this might change.

Insisting that States of Emergency overrule our basic right to protect life and liberty is not just fatuous, it is dangerous.

The Global Elite & The Coronavirus Coup D’état

There may be more to the current crisis than what appears. On some channels, it is reported to be a Live Exercise that includes a Compliance Test and may have been in the works for some time. Evidently, the plans are incredibly sophisticated, developed by Technocrats using advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI).

For example, the hyperlinked plan on World Economic Forum is 200 levels deep.

The plan appears to involve an incremental shutdown and reset of the present system. Legislation for the successive masking, vaccinating and microchipping of the population has already been enacted or is in the works. All financial transactions will be digitized. All aspects of our lives, socially and economically, will be run by algorithms.

Some may argue that this is a good thing, considering the incredible corruption of the present system. Others claim that we are being farmed, comparing this to the Hunger Games.

I suggest that we all do our own research, as most of the regular media outlets are suspect.

Compliance Under Protest

Regarding the masks mandate, social distancing, and other edicts relating to COVID 19  that have been reportedly planned to follow shortly such as forced vaccination, micro-chipping and contact tracing.

We are, according to the US Secretary of State Pompeo, in the midst of a live exercise. This is a vicious game carefully planned over a long period of time by a comparatively small group of Technocrats with huge financial resources, using the latest Artificial Intelligence programs and algorithms.

The goal is ideological supremacy and global control of populations and resources. The stakes are high, there are no rules other than gaining your acquiescence, which your silence will guarantee.

All means to achieve this objective are on the table, up to and including burning everything down and resetting it.

If you resist and are physically taken down like this man, you will not only be vilified by virtue signallers looking to bolster their sense of moral superiority, you will be savaged in the media for ‘putting everyone at risk’.

You have to be as cunning as your opponents or you will fall into their trap. You have to prepare carefully.

The most effective strategy is to comply under protest. This  is a legal position whereby you are admitting the power of the state to force you to submit, but at the same time you are explicitly denying them your consent or agreement.

State your objection calmly and clearly, without argument. Get the names of the officials who are violating your rights and illegally forcing you to obey. Arrange to capture the whole incident on video and post it widely on every media outlet possible. Ally yourself with channels that have a wide audience.

Only in this way can you win widespread support.

Under Protest

Certain words and their definitions are important at this juncture in our history.

Abrogate – to abolish or annul by formal means; to repeal; put aside; cancel; revoke; rescind; nullify: to annul or repeal a law or pass legislation that contradicts the prior law. Abrogate also applies to revoking or withdrawing conditions of a contract.

Acquiesce – to assent tacitly; submit or comply silently or without protest. From Latin acquiēscere: to remain at rest, agree without protest.

Arrogate  – to claim presumptuously; to assume without right:
see arrogance.

Comply – To act in accordance with another’s command, request, rule, or wish: see complicit, compliance.

Mary – Metaphysical meaning (fr. Heb.) – contradiction; rebellious outcry; bitter complaint; bitterness; myrrh; bitter waters.

Tacit – refers to something done or made in silence, as in Tacit Agreement.  Implied by or inferred from actions or statements: [Latin: tacitus, silent, past participle of tacēre, to be silent.]
tacit agreement is manifested by the fact that no contradiction or objection is made and is thus inferred from the situation and the circumstances. A tacit contract is one in which it may be inferred from the conduct of the parties, that they intended to enter into a contract.

Under Protest – Acting in accordance with someone’s rules, commands, or wishes while asserting an objection to the obligation. Complying with an obligation while asserting an objection to the obligation.

An Example to illustrate how these words might be used in context.

The following represents an example of how these words could be used, in an effort to clarify their meaning contextually.

Mary considered the often-repeated explanation that the order to wear masks under certain proscribed conditions was ‘designed to keep everyone safe‘ to be fatuous. However, she complied with the Government mandate under protest, while vigorously expressing her objection, disagreement, and disapproval. She knew that If she just acquiesced to this edict, her silence could be legally interpreted as tacit agreement with the injunction.”

“She maintained that government officials, acting under the stimulus of ‘guidance’ from certain unelected health officers, were abrogating her sovereign individual rights. This countermanding was done under the pretext that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms had rendered her God-given rights ‘conditional’, and that she was now situated under the concurrent jurisdiction of a Corporation.”

“In fact, Government officials were simply arrogating to themselves the prerogative to alter, revoke, or revise individual rights – by fiat. They claimed their authority to do this was the “Notwithstanding” clause, which had been stealthily inserted into the Charter.

The Charter was designed in this way to give people the impression that Government actually granted individual rights, as opposed to guaranteeing to defend rights that already existed unconditionally.

“This meant that Governments could legally rescind Mary’s individual rights, whenever their global controllers deemed it necessary. With respect to the masks mandate, this action took the form of preplanned States of Emergency, perpetually extended on flimsy pretexts. Taking their cue from the CCP, local governments enforced compliance through contact tracing, social credit, severe fines, and in some cases, lengthy prison sentences.

These restrictions were also supported through propaganda and fake news, spread by a complicit social and mainstream media. “

Social shaming by naive virtue signallers, foolishly considering that compliance to their own subjugation made them morally superior, gave additional momentum to these draconian mandates.”

Why are Tulsa Officials Pleading for Trump to Cancel Rally?

In my opinion, Trump is taking his cue from recent events. Apparently, he assumes that the exercise of First Amendment Rights in Political Rallies is as essential to the nation’s health as it is in the ongoing political Protests Against Racism. Considering the size of the Trump base in America, he may have a point.

Over 1000 health professionals and doctors from across the country recently signed an open letter regarding the George Floyd protests. They argued that although Covid-19 infections are a risk, the protestor’s First Amendment rights are more relevant to the nation’s health than the mitigation of the virus. Therefore they should be allowed to continue – notwithstanding the lockdown mandates for everyone else.

This line of thinking is in accord with the response of Canadian Government officials and the Canadian Media to the recent protests in Vancouver, and the one in Ottawa which Prime Minister Trudeau attended.

The problem is that the support numbers for the Trump Rallies look like they will far exceed those of the ongoing Protests. Over 1 million people have signed up for tickets to the first one in Tulsa, Oklahoma – and this for just one Rally, in one State. Fortunately, the Tulsa facility will only accommodate a small percentage of the people who have applied to go. Masks will be distributed, and temperature checks will be administered.

Let’s hope the dire prediction of a ‘perfect storm’ made by Bruce Dart, the executive director of the Tulsa health department, does not materialize.

It seems that such predictions, and the ensuing directives relating to the Lockdown, are coming from unelected Public Health officials. In Ontario, 34 Local Health Officials are reportedly controlling the rate at which the Ford administration can proceed with the reopening of the provincial economy. A recent National Post Article harshly criticized their level of influence.

Are unelected Public Health Officials influencing policy the Federal level as well, such as Prime Minister Trudeau’s recent decision to extend the Canada/US border restriction for another 30 days until July 21st, 2020?

In the USA, opposition to Public Health officials has also been reported. Some of them have been fired, as new information surfaces regarding apparent misinterpretation of data and the use of flawed computer models to justify state lockdowns.

We’re all going to have to live with the consequences of decisions based on ‘guidance’ from Health Officials and Health Organizations for the foreseeable future. Many equivocations and contradictory statements have been circulating in the media since this crisis began. Is it any wonder that more and more people are beginning to question the “novel coronavirus” narrative.

Dol Bok – June 17, 2020

Problem, Reaction, Solution.

The unreal can’t be leveraged once it’s identified. You can, however, leverage belief in the unreal, depending on how you frame it. Belief operates along a spectrum; imagination – frightened false sense – solid conviction, panic, etc. The simple formula appears to be Problem, Reaction, Solution.

Large corporations involved in medicine or pharmacy reportedly have a vested interest in making sure that the treatment of disease continues in the most profitable way. Total eradication of disease does not appear to be their goal. If there were no diseases, individual careers and their livelihoods would be severely compromised.

There is more money to be made from populations induced into sickness than countries bated into war. Crisis initiation leading to war is extremely expensive and problematic. The false flag strategy has been used too many times is now transparent. Moreover, Identity politics is not dividing and conquering us fast enough to produce adequate revenues. There has to be a better business model.

Enter the Pandemic

The way forward appears to be a series of global pandemics, leading to the vaccination, microchipping, and tracking of the global population.

An Agenda, Not a Conspiracy Theory

What is the ultimate goal of those in control of big pharma, big media, big social, big energy, and big banks? Could their agenda include a microchipped population, truly the mark of the beast?

Here is a possible scenario for an incremental rollout of such a strategy, and the ensuing live exercise in population control.

Phase 1: Soft launch – Prototype: see how it works, work out the kinks.
Successfully completed – Event 201 – Fall 2019.

Phase 2: Beta Launch – Live Exercise – MVP
Well Advanced – April/May 2020

  • Fund secret chimeric research to weaponize an existing but manageable virus to ‘gain function’ – in other words, make it more deadly and/or contagious.
  • Make sure that this virus targets those with co-morbidities, as they are a drain on social security. Use their vulnerability to provide justification for implementing universal, draconian measures necessary to protect these groups.
  • Propagate this novel virus globally. Make sure government officials, leading ‘health experts’, and big media equivocate about its seriousness to delay the response, ensuring that it has an opportunity to spread beyond containment to the mitigation phase.
  • Enlist global organizations, national and local governments, and mainstream media to propagandize it and instill fear until the threat of global contagion becomes a solid conviction.
  • Massage and conflate the numbers to make it appear that more and more people are getting sick and dying.
  • Declare a Pandemic.
  • Advise CEOs of large corporations to resign in order to escape notices of liability.
  • Declare states of emergency and begin incremental lockdown measures to isolate and control the population.
  • Crash the world economy.
  • Criminalize and demonetize all speech and action that goes against the official narrative.
  • Encourage a snitch culture that encourages people to detect, expose, and shun all who resist.
  • Deploy global tracking technology through satellites, cell phones, and drones.
  • Mandate a program of regular vaccination to inoculate everyone.
  • Microchip and nanobot the entire population to monitor and enforce compliance.
  • Legislate severe penalties for disobedience.
  • Reap the monetary harvest of recurring revenues from an enslaved population.
  • Rinse and repeat.

Phase 3: Full Launch
Coming soon to a theater near you?

Acquiescence to the illusion of power is how we got here.

Where do we go now? Your choice!

Are Your Rights Being Abrogated?

Canadians must familiarize themselves with their rights, the laws which guarantee their rights, and the proper mechanisms of protest if they think their rights have been violated. They must learn how to declare and defend their sovereignty,

Governments have skillfully written laws to give us the illusion of freedom, but they have inserted clauses that allow them to take that freedom away under certain circumstances. For example, the controversial ‘Notwithstanding Clause’ – Section 33 in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, can be used by the Provinces to abrogate your freedom of speech and assembly by executive order.

How does this work? Guidelines put forward by unelected health experts are being turned into executive orders by Provincial Governments, which are now being brought into law, literally making it a crime to try and make a living.

This is the reason that the Government of Ontario and local governments have been able to enact draconian, heavy-handed measures, in spite of the fact that the data used to support these measures is reportedly flawed. It is being generated from tests that are reported to be to be unreliable. On the basis of these results, the government locked down large sections of the economy, deemed certain business and organizations to be non-essential, restricted travel, assembly and free speech, closed borders, and forced or advised people to accept social distancing, shelter in place and other such behaviors, some of which have questionable benefits.

As of May 11, 2020, Canada has a death rate of 0.0129%, based on the Canada 2020 population is estimated at 37,742,154. While this is tragic, does it warrant the repeated extensions of the lockdown of our society?

The totals on the Canadian Government website include publicly reported confirmed and probable cases. A large percentage of these deaths apparently occurred among the elderly in Nursing Homes, and/or among people who have up to 4 pre-existing co-morbidities.

Governments are now using military and government officials, or their appointees, to engage in contact tracing and quarantine. Newfoundland’s Premier Ball recently issued an executive order that allows officials to come into your home, administer tests, harvest a list of your recent contacts, and in some cases remove people to designated facilities for quarantine. This is also happening in other countries, like South Africa, Australia, and parts of the USA. House Resolution HR 6666 the TRACE Act, if enacted, will fund extensive contact tracing.

The intent is obvious. The stated global agenda extends to mandatory removal and quarantine, global vaccination and contact tracing, microchipping of you, and your family members.

A small group of health experts and government officials and the mainstream media are relying on manipulated data, flawed computer models, fear, censorship, social shaming, and snitching to keep you in line. Anything that contradicts the narrative promoted by unelected health experts is censored, including information from many respected credible physicians and qualified professionals.

The Chinese model of Social credit is in the works.  The idea is to have us microchipped and tracked. Our every move and transaction will be monitored. Video cameras will be installed everywhere to perform instant facial recognition. If we protest, we will be deemed selfish, accused of working against the good of the whole, and of putting others at risk. When that doesn’t work we may be fined and/or arrested.

Here are links to several important documents and articles as a good place to start your education.

Canadian Constitution Acts, 1867 to 1982

Including the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

Founded in 2010 as a voice for freedom in Canada’s courtrooms, the mission of the Justice Centre is to defend the constitutional freedoms of Canadians through litigation and education. We fight for Canada to become and remain a free society, where the equality of all Canadians and their individual freedoms are celebrated and respected.


True North

Timely investigative journalism on issues that affect Canada’s national security.


US Department of Justice

Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law

Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.

For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.

The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.

Freedom School

Only Belligerents Have Rights

McAlister vs. Henkel, 201 U.S. 90, 26 S.Ct. 385, 50 L.Ed. 671; Commonwealth vs. Shaw, 4 Cush. 594, 50 Am.Dec. 813; Orum vs. State, 38 Ohio App. 171, 175 N.E. 876.

“The privilege against self-incrimination is neither accorded to the passive resistant, nor to the person who is ignorant of his rights, nor to one indifferent thereto. It is a FIGHTING clause. Its benefits can be retained only by sustained COMBAT. It cannot be claimed by an attorney or solicitor. It is valid only when insisted upon by a BELLIGERENT claimant in person.

The one who is persuaded by honeyed words or moral suasion to testify or produce documents rather than make a last-ditch stand simply loses the protection. . . . He must refuse to answer or produce, and test the matter in contempt proceedings, or by habeas corpus.”

Freedom Taker

In addition to being a depository of free download documents, this web site is a reminder of how important it is for every individual in society to “take”, to actively claim, protect and defend the freedoms he or she values.
YouTube: Mandated Vaccinations, Get Ready To Say “NO!”


This document “accepts” vaccination on the condition that ALL administrators of that vaccine accept that there are risks and accept personal liability for all harm they cause with their vaccine. They will not sign it because they know vaccines are hazardous. When they refuse to sign, that is their admission of risk, and, with that admission, you may rightfully refuse the vaccine. A more complete explanation of this vaccination notice is below.


We may soon be facing “mandated” vaccines. Those who have studied vaccines know that vaccines come with severe hazards and we must resist and oppose unlawful forced medical treatments. This document is “Refusal For Cause” to be given to anyone who threatens to force medical treatment on us.

Escape Room

You’re locked in an Escape Room, designed by people about whom you know very little. The game has a dual purpose, to entertain its players and to advance the agenda of the group that created and controls it. To exit the game, you have to figure out the secrets of the room.

All players willingly suspend their disbelief when they enter the Escape-Room-World to experience the polarity generated by the game’s rules. The thrill of this “hero’s journey” is much like an immersive movie experience in an IMAX theatre. However, this adventure is not vicarious; the game is live and interactive.

The players create two teams and then choose sides. Team A’s members accept the room’s constraints and develop rules to keep everyone locked up for as long as possible. Team B’s members work diligently to figure out the secret behind the room’s design and craft an escape strategy. If Team B wins, everyone gets out right away, and the game ends.

Each team adopts a specific thought system, along with its related axioms, assumptions, definitions, and vocabulary.

Based on their team’s thought system, each player constructs a persona through which they relate to the other players. They do this by asking themselves. “What would I have to choose as true about myself if I wanted to convincingly dramatize the emotional experience and behavior of a person belonging to this particular group?”

(One of the unforeseen features of the game is its vivid contrast. The players of each team are all in plain sight. The door has clicked shut behind them. As the game progresses, it starkly highlights the position adopted by each player. There is no escape from that.)

On which side would you be?
What strategies and alliances would you develop to win the game?

We’re gong to be ok.

To begin with, I’m not a virus denier, and I follow the mandates and guidelines set out by our federal and provincial governments relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic. However, I do have an opinion about what’s going on.

My take is that this crisis is not as dangerous as it seems. Tragically, many people are getting sick, and some are dying, and that’s never a good thing. But the cases and death rates, which appear to be alarming, are reportedly being conflated with other causes.

Note the following examples, which I find confusing, if not downright equivocal.

“The number of COVID-19 deaths in Canada was 2028 as of April 23rd, 2020.
Number of deaths related to COVID-19*
Note: The total number includes publicly reported confirmed and probable cases
Last Data Update 2020-04-23 11:00 EDT”

Following is a quote from an article published in The New England Journal of Medicine on February 28th, 2020, by Anthony S. Fauci, MD.

If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) – Anthony S. Fauci, MD

Note the over-use of qualifying language, such as the words ‘if,’ ‘assumes,’ ‘may be,’ and ‘suggests.’

To what exactly does ‘This suggests’ refer? The antecedent is unclear. Does ‘a severe seasonal influenza’ refer to a specific outbreak? The indefinite article is redundant. Why use it? If this is an example of the Science that is presented by Dr. Fauci as justification for the draconian mandates that are being rolled out, shouldn’t the language be exact?

Health experts are terrifying everyone with computer models that are continually being revised as the narrative changes. The legacy media is deliberately scaring everyone, and a frightened population is syndicating their story on social media. In my opinion, this is crisis initiation.

I also think that most of our politicians are trapped between a rock and a hard place. Their political survival depends on taking this narrative seriously, and rightly so. However, does this necessitate the arbitrary imposition of incrementally severe restrictions, some of which are illogical and self-contradictory?

Politicians are trapped between a rock and a hard place

People have been intimidated or forced into compliance, at the expense of hard-won individual rights. Some in their panic have abandoned all critical thinking and common sense.

Virtue signalers on social media are frantically posting to gain favor with peers. Some businesses are engaging in deceptive practices and price gouging to leverage the crisis for their commercial gain.

Is this really our new normal? Considering the amount of push back online, from people with impeccable credentials and long histories of journalistic integrity, I think a turn around is imminent.

We are going to be OK.