Men’s careers and reputations are being unfairly and peremptorily trashed. If there was an agenda behind this, the strategy is classic Saul Alinsky. Here’s how that would go.
Someone decides to contact the Media about an incident that allegedly happened decades ago. Ignoring the all-too-convenient timing of this allegation, the Media proceeds to report the story, skillfully framing it in such a way that leads its audience to presume the man is already guilty of an actual crime. Before he has a chance to defend himself, the Media Version is broadcasted and syndicated through various amplifiers, until it is accepted by the general public – as fact. The accusations are bolstered with references to high profile crimes that have actually been committed by men against women, in order to further augment his assumed guilt by a process of association. The social media audience, goaded by various trolls and virtue signallers, enters into an extended discussion. Certain ideologues pivot the narrative to point out the political, social and patriarchal evils that his alleged action illustrates, in an attempt to strengthen and gather followers for their particular ideology.
If there is due process in the courts, then shouldn’t there be due process in the media? Conversations like the one here go a long way towards redress and are therefore vitally important. The coordinated savaging of men online and in the main stream media is now a huge issue. This is why we need to restore free speech in Canada. Men who have the courage to step up and question prevailing neo-Marxist, Post Modernist and Fourth-Wave Feminist ideologies are now at greater risk of having their reputations and careers ruined. Our male children are being branded with the stigma of toxic masculinity and systematically indoctrinated in government controlled schools and universities. A significant percentage of male children are being chemically emasculated through the prescription of dangerous and addictive pharmaceuticals.
Are we really ready to sanction the attempt by the Media Party to co-opt our judicial process and set itself up as judge and jury? If the courts are failing women, then isn’t there something seriously wrong with our system of justice, and wouldn’t everyone be at risk from such corruption? How does all this further the cause of developing strong and independent women? Is trial by media really the best way to counter the horrible abuse committed by some men against women?